Posted on 5/12/2021

Oil Change By Time Versus Mileage Even when your vehicle is not driving, your engines motor oil goes through chemical changes. This leads to degradation of the motor oil. Oxidation is the cause for the concern. Oxygen molecules and motor oil molecules interact. This leads to chemical breakdown of the motor oil. Take a sliced apple, oxygen causes it to brown or exposed metal to rust. This reduces the motor oils ability to cool, lubricate, and protect your engine. It also causes damaging sludge and deposits to form. Temperature swings cause condensation to form inside your engine, transmission, or differentials. This leads to water contamination. Short trips do not allow the water to evaporate and remain in the oil. All oils need to be serviced regardless of mileage. Consider having all your fluids serviced before extended periods of non operation. Used engine oil, brake fluid, power steering fl ... read more
Posted on 5/11/2021

How long does a car battery last? The lifespan of a car battery is about four years. The condition of the charging system. Driving conditions, and temperature all determine the life of the battery. Common signs of a battery at the end of its service life are slow engine cranking. Longer cranking times in colder climates, and dimming headlights or accessories. To Safely jump start a vehicle. connect positive cables first. Then negative cable last to a metal component on the engine of the vehicle with dead battery
Posted on 5/11/2021

Why Do They Steal Catalytic Converters? Catalytic converters reduce harmful exhaust system emissions by turning pollutants into harmless gasses. Catalytic converter theft occurs because they contain precious metals. They are valuable to metal dealers. Thieves sell them to scrap yards for hundreds of dollars. Cut off with oversized tubing cutters or saws, and various hand tools. It depends on accessibility. How ever the catalytic converter is bolted or welded in, removal can take minutes. Shields, and Cable harnesses can be installed to deter thieves